Radio Trombetas

by Williarts Gestão Web

Music & Audio


Trumpets RadioHeadquartered in the municipality of Vila Velha, state of Espírito Santo, in Brazil, Rádio Trombetas is made up of radio professionals dedicated to sharing the Word of God.Our missionTake the Word of God to the entire Earth, using the internet and its resources.The Technological MeansGods methods may change from generation to generation and culture to culture, but Gods Word never changes. Your truth alone can dispel the darkness. A commitment to God is a commitment to build our lives on the foundation of the authority of His Word. Technology is nothing more than a method, an instrument of modernity. Certain “weapons” can be put to good use in our postmodern culture, but let us not be deceived about the true source of power."For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to destroy strongholds.” 2Co 10:4.We need to blow the trumpet, but within a standard, within Biblical norms.goalRádio Trombetas is a communication vehicle that aims to spread the Gospel, taking the Word of God to the entire face of the Earth. We use two forms of communication with the public: through web radio and the website.